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List of Doctor Warner's Writings


An Established Ministry since Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14th, 1992

Comprehensive Writing List

In Chronological Order:

Roman Catholic Period (1992-1999)

1. Since October 2nd, 1992 - "Continuous List of Father Charles' Writings."

2. October 2nd, 1992 - "Pomegranate Scepters and Incense Stand in a Priest's Grave." 

3. November 23rd, 1992 - A Hymn of Praise to Yahweh: "Creation" in Psalm 104

4. February 1st, 1993 - "Sepphoris: An Urban Portrait of Jesus."

5. March 1st, 1993 - "It is here that I am in Fertile Soil."- First Year of Religious Education

6. March 22nd, 1993 - Saint Paul’s: "The Body.”

7. April 26th, 1993 - A Book Review and a Short Reflection "on Sin".

8. March 4th, 1996 - "You Gave": On Christian Duty.

9. November 1st, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines I: Acknowledging our True-Self.

10.November 3rd, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines II: God in the Process of Creation.

11. November 6th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines III: Some Approaches to Sin and Evil. 12. November 10th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines IV: Salvation and Jesus Christ.

13. November 12th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines V: The Doctrine of Christ / Language.

14. November 15th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines VI: The Doctrine of Christ / Works.

15. November 19th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines VII: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

16. November 20th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines VIII: The Necessity of the Church. 17. November 22nd, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines IX: The Classic Marks of the Church.

18. November 25th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines X: Eschatology - A Final Hope … .

19. December 20th, 1996 - Basic Christian Doctrines XI: Saint Irenaeus & Saint Augustine

20. January 20th, 1997 - Pastoral Ministry I: Understanding the Marginalized / the Streets. 21. February 6th, 1997 - New Testament I - Remembering the Sayings and Deeds of Jesus.

22. February 10th, 1997 - Pastoral Ministry II: Collective Pastoral Care - New Paradigm. 23. February 26th, 1997 - Themes in Christian Spirituality I: Awakened to God.

24. March 14th, 1997 - Themes in Christian Spirituality II: Uncharted Waters of the Heart. 25. April 8th, 1997 - Themes in Christian Spirituality III: Meeting our Grace.

26. April 24, 1997 - Themes in Christian Spirituality IV: On Spiritual Yearning.

27. April 30th, 1997 - Valedictory Speech#1: Religious Ed. - R.C. Diocese of Antigonish

28. May 29th, 1997 - Themes in Christian Spirituality V: Exploring the Uncharted Waters. 29. May 30th, 1997 - One More Step Along the World I Go - Graduate School Theme Song. 30. November 14th, 1997 - Christian Ethics: An Interview with Father Frank Abbass. 31. May 23rd, 1998 - Ecclesiology - A Research Paper of Vatican II & "Gaudium et Spes."

32. May 29th, 1998 - Pastoral Care Practicum Paper I: Herbert Benson's Timeless Healing

33. June 29th, 1998 - Pastoral Care Practicum Paper II: Hospital Ministry & Chaplaincy.

34. June 30th, 1998 - Pastoral Care Practicum Paper III: C.P.E. Graduation Day Prayer.

35. February 24th, 1999 - Pauline Christianity: Part I - "Conversion". 36. February 24th, 1999 - Pauline Christianity: Part II - Care for all ... especially the poor

Anglican Period (1999-2003)

37. June 21st, 1999 - Pastoral Care Practicum Paper IV: "Fearfully & Wonderfully Made". 38. July 30th, 1999 - Valedictory Speech #2 C.P.E. Program - "Together We Care".

39. December 12th, 1999 - Listen to the Voice that Liberates us - 3rd Sunday in Advent

40. April 30th, 2000 - The Courage to Ask the Awkward Questions - 2nd Sunday a/Easter

41. May 7th,2000 - He Opened Their Minds - 3rd Sunday after Easter

42. May 28th, 2000 - The Love and Friendship of Jesus - 6th Sunday after Easter

43. June 24th, 2000 - Bolts from the Blue - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

44. August 13th, 2000 - Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life.” - 9th Sunday a/Pentecost

45. September 10th 2000 - The Presence of Jesus … World - 13th Sunday a/Pentecost

46. October 8th, 2000 - Come unto Me! - 17th Sunday after Pentecost

47. October 22nd,2000 - The Drum Major Instinct - 19th Sunday after Pentecost

48. December 3rd, 2000 - Advent: Arriving on a Cloud of Glory - 1st Sunday in Advent

49. February 18th, 2001 - Living by the Golden Rule - 7th Sunday after Epiphany

50. April 22nd, 2001 - “Bind Us Together Lord” - 2nd Sunday after Easter

51. May 6th, 2001 - The Lord Is My Shepherd - 4th Sunday after Easter

52. May 13th, 2001 - Embrace the Love of Christ - 5th 3unday after Easter

53. May 20th, 2001 - The Gifts of Christ: Love, Word, Spirit & Peace-6th Sunday a/Easter

54. May 27th, 2001 - Christian Living: … Public Display of Faith - Sunday a/Ascension 3ay

55. June 10th, 2001 - Trinity Sunday: Unity Through and With God - Trinity Sunday

56. July 29th, 2001 - To Whom Do We Belong? - 8th Sunday after Pentecost

57. August 19th, 2001 - Way of the Cross: A 26 Mile Marathon - 11th Sunday a/Pentecost 58. February 24th, 2002 - Old Testament I - Research Topic: Second Isaiah. 59. February 24th, 2002 - The Creativity of Saint Mark: ... 60. February 24th, 2002 - On the Gospel of Matthew

61. February 28th, 2002 - Creedal Statement: Who is Jesus for us today? 62. March 7th, 2002 - Old Testament II - "The Suffering Servant" in Second Isaiah.

63. October 12th, 2002 - A Christological Reflection: Who is Jesus Christ?

Anglo-Catholic Period (2003-2020)

64. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Angl9can Catholic Identity – Intro

65. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part I

66. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part II

67. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part III

68. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part IV

69. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part V

70. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part VI

71. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part VII

72. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part VIII

73. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part IX

74. October 17th,2005 – MTS thesis: The Birth of Anglican Catholic Identity – Part X

75. May 26th, 2006 - The Catholic Doctrine of Justification: The Council of Trent (1547).

Orthodox Period (2020-Present)

107. October 15th, 2020 - A Faith Journey.

© Dr. Charles Warner 2024

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